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Texts are stored on the database much like any other field. However - since text fields have no length, texts are not stored in a single table but a simple data model (of 2 tables). The typical characteristics of text fields listed:


  • Texts are regarded transactional data - hence the text tables are client dependant
  • Texts have an object name which is used to identify the overall object the text applies to. E.g. EBAN for the requisition and EKKO for the Purchase Order header
  • Texts have an name which is build up with a variabele key of up to 70 characters. This variabale key would typically be an ordernumber for a Purchase Order text or an order number and an item number (concatenated together) for a Purchase Order item text
  • A text-ID is used to differentiate texts for the same object, e.g. the Purchase Order Item can have an Item text as well as an Info record note as well as a vendor instruction. In many many cases, the actual text-ID's can be maintained in customizing allowing new texts on existing SAP objects like the Purchase Order.
  • Texts are language specific, and can thus be available in multiple languages. Hence ä language field is part of the key on the text pool database.

In the database texts can be found in tables STXH SAPscript text file header andSTXL SAPscript text file lines. The first table can be used to find out whether a text exists for a certain object, the second table should not be selected on as it's contents is difficult to interpret. Use the available function modules for that !