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There are many ways to do this, which are listed in a single article here:

Roadmap to enabeling the WEB from SAP:

  1. (not commonly used) The Request Handler

    When an Internet Service is set up, a Request Handler is required to “handle the REQUEST and RESPONSE for a web page”. The Request Handler is a class which can handle the REQUEST as well as the RESPONSE, hence in a single class the HTTP request can be interpreted and the answer can be passed back directly. This is probably the lowest impact web enabeling technique. 

  2. (commonly used) The BSP application

    Consists of html pages on which events can be defined in ABAP coding. Abap variables can be made available in the html pages and user response (e.g. by clicking a button) can be captured in abap-coded events. The life of such html page can be controlled via STATELESS/STATEFULL modes and a navigation flow from html to html can be defined. The main program behind a BSP application can control the span (duration) of the application. BSP applications need to be activated, but there is no need to publish. 

  3. (commonly used) The Internet Service

    Is based on an ABAP screen module (which could be a module pool, report or function pool) where PBO and PAI play an important role in application flow. For every screen you want to make available on the web, a template needs to be generated from the actual screen. The generated screen will hold all html tags needed to produce a workable result. Internet services are set up for a transaction code for which the end user can be authorized (object S_TCODE). The Request Handler on the Internet Service should call this transaction (so better make sure the Service Parameters have a reference to this transaction code). Once the end user had the authorization, his/her user menu is automatically adapted in SRM. Further more, the templates for an Internet Application need to be saved and published before they can be used. Nice to know: SAP has build many of their own SRM applications as Internet Service – however the templates have been adapted quite rigorously… 

  4. Both the BSP and Internet Service allow template-like html documents to be created, in which a variety of techniques can be applied. Every technique has it’s own set of start/end tags and logic, sometimes much like ABAP, sometimes much like JavaScript. 

  5. Other methods: the MiniApp, iView, iHTML, any more ? (Be very aware: this list is not complete...).