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The internet in combination with SAP matters leads to a wide variety of topics. Too many topics. These articles matter, but how they can be of use to you - is up to you. A brief introduction to HTML, CSS and Javascript should help get to grips with internet pages. The service hierarchy is viewing the available services (internet services) from SAP point of view. A glossary and "roadmap" complete the set. 

Transaction SICF - ”HTTP Service Hierarchy Maintenance” holds settings on services, independent of the “way to Rome” implemented. Request handlers are set up on the service. Which ever “way to Rome” is chosen, the service is always a part of the plan. A service can be compared to a transaction code (starting point) for Web transactions (called services). Note: if you have no authorisarion for transaction SICF - make sure you get it...

A brief glossary for Internet matters.

There are many ways to do this, which are listed in a single article here:

One of the first things you'll need to know a bit about is HTML - HyperText Markup Language. A formatting/scripting language that is used on nearly every bit of information sent to (or received from) the Internet...

When using HTML template files, it's good to know about Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) - all about the presentation of the html documents...

Attributes like the font(family), color and background color of the "body" of the document can be set using style sheets. Generally everything that has to do with colors, borders, positioning (e.g. right-justified) can be applied to any html tag, for which no style sheet is required. When these settings should be applied to more than 1 html tag, style sheets should be used. A step by step demonstration of how style sheets work:

A scripting language for HTML documents - applicable on every possible application. If you need to understand SAP templates or you need to take control over your HTML... SAP uses this language quite a bit themselves and it's a good idea to get your head around the basics of (client-side ) Javascript. Javascript is a scripting language, not to be confused with Java (which is a programming language). Here's a few ideas to what you can accomplish with Javascript:

An Internet Service is based on the an ABAP's screen (dynpro) processing, PBO and PAI. It's also the most common way SAP has coded their own SRM web applications...

An Internet service is used (by SAP) for the more serious multi-screen applications which are to be embedded in SAP's SRM menu's. The design concept originates from ABAP Module pools, where the SAP-Classic DYNPRO is used as a basis for an HTML template, which is presented in the browser of the end user. A few specifics about the Internet Service: