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When the business workspace (workflow inbox) is inspected, several grouping options are available. Here's how these options can be used: the following grouping options are available in the user inbox:

  1. Grouped according to task
    Where the task name displayed as grouping-subject. This field can be found on the tast, directly under the abbreviation. It's generally a good idea to set up a naming convention for this name. The first few characters should indicate the overall subject the task is about, which will make the grouping option "Grouped according to task" very useful. E.g. when the task is about a Purchase Order flow, prefix the Name of the task with "PO:"...
  1. Grouped according to contents
    This is usually a very slow grouping option, as it's based on the business objects the flows are about and retrieving this information is quite time consuming. Generally every task is about a main business object, like a e.g. PO or Vendor. The grouping option will list all workflow activity about the respective Business Object. Usually this will only show a single workflow per Business Object so true grouping is not the case. Unless of course the Business Object is used for several flows at the same time... The DECISION business object is sometimes mentioned as grouping option killer, as it holds no proper reference to what the task is about, however I've not come across this problem myself as the DECISION tasks we've set up still have Business Object(s) on the container (to ensure proper attachments to be displayed).
  2. Grouped according to contents type
    is also a slow grouping method (when the user inbox holds more than 100 entries). To enable this grouping option, the system will need to retrieve actual Business Object information on the full inbox. The result of the grouping is per Business Object type, so all workflow where the Purchase Order is the "subject" (Business Object) will be listed as a single group. Nice !
  3. Grouped according to sort key
    Last but definitely not least: the grouping according to sort key: To use this you set your object reference in container _WI_Group_ID of each task. This must be done during binding from workflow to task. I.e. set all work items to do with an object instance to have the same object reference in _WI_Group_Id and then they will all show up in grouping by sort key under the instance assigned. Of course the downside is you need to change all your bindings to suit this but it is a standard feature. The up side is you has full control of grouping options