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When you are new at workflow, a brief overall description can be useful. Workflow is the term for a suite of functionality with which work can be "arranged" in SAP. Work can be executed automatically or the end user can be prompted to action, starting the actual transaction with an actual Business Object (E.g. purchase order). To the end user, workflow revolves around the sapOffice Inbox which will list what Work Items need to be addressed. Work items can be started or executed, which will:

  • start a transaction with a certain business object, E.g. a Material Document
  • release a Purchase Order
  • prompt the end user with a decision on whether a PO should be released or not
  • in effect: execute any standard SAP Method on the business object (Release, Edit, GetDetail, GetReleaseInfo, Change... )
  • execute any non standard SAP method which effectively calls ABAP code (e.g. using BAPI's).

Triggering a workflow (or Single Step Task) can be done by creating an Event for which there are several ways. Workflows are not restricted to use only one business object (although at least one should be there) as several relevant objects can be placed in the Container. The end user will act like an Agent when executing work items, and there is an Organizational setup to be maintained which decides who should get what work item. This way the work items on purchase orders for different purchase groups can each be Assigned to the right agent. When more than one end user is the agent for a work item, the item will be displayed in both inboxes, until one of the agents acts on it. 

You may want to check out OSS note 547893: Frequently Asked Questions on Workflow definition.