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The queries your users have composed, are in fact only available on the system they were created on. SAP query components can be moved, for which quite an elaborate tooling was set up. Here's the easiest way to download/upload your SAP query components: 

First of all, you need to determine whether the components you want to move are in the Standard area or the Global area. These steps describe how to download / upload user groups, queries and inforecords from the Standard area (Client specific)

Step plan - Download SAP query components - in the source system:

  1. Start transaction SQ02, goto Environment > Query areas and select "Standard area (Client-specific)"
  2. Goto Environment > Transports (or click on the truck-button)
  3. Select radio button Download (2nd button in 1st row) and untick the "Test run" checkbox
  4. Select radio button "Transport user groups", leave the option as REPLACEand set the selection parameter for User group to the user groups you want to download.
  5. Click "Execute", fill in file name USER-GROUPS and store it somewhere
  6. Now select the "Transport Infosets and Queries" radio button (again with option REPLACE). Fill in the names of the required Queries and Infosets. A query uses 1 infoset, and can not operate without it. Infosets are listed as column in the Query overview.
  7. Click "Execute", fill in file name QUERIES-INFORECORDS and store it somewhere

Step plan - Upload SAP query components - in the target system:

  1. Start transaction SQ02, goto Environment > Query areas and select "Standard area (Client-specific)"
  2. Goto Environment > Transports (or click on the truck-button)
  3. Select radio button Upload (2nd button in 2nd row) and untick the "Test run" checkbox
  4. Click "Execute", select the USER-GROUPS file
  5. Same for the QUERIES-INFORECORDS file (will take a few minutes).

This step plan only works for Query area Standard Area, so if you want to do the same for components in the Global area, they should be moved to the Standard area first. In the receiving system, the components can then be copied to the Global area as well.