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If Abap is not your thing, and you want get a bit closer to SAP's finest data details, the SAP Query tooling is definitely something you would want to consider. SAP Query is an end-user query tool that allows creating reports with elaborate selections involving multiple tables. SAP Query is set up in 3 parts: 

  1. (SQ03) User groups
  2. (SQ02) Info sets
  3. (SQ01) Query from user group 

The user group defines who should get access to the query, the Info sets works like a data model with tables that belong together and the Query from user group describes the actual query. A brief step-by-step setup to using Sap Query:

Step 1. Create User Group – SQ03

A user group is used to identify/arrange which users can execute certain Queries and use certain Infosets. Data is a sensitive matter and Sap Query could give access to all SAP data available, so the user group plays an important role in SAP Query. 

  • Follow the menu path – SAP Menu > Tools > ABAP Workbench > Utilities > SAP Query > User Groups
  • Create a user group, for which a code and description needs to be entered
  • Select "Local object", which will make the user group available for use. Only when it needs to be made available in other systems the object can be moved to the global area

Step 2. Create Infoset – SQ02

The infoset defines which data is selected, and how these tables are joined together. Field groups are defined allowing access to actual table columns (fields) in your query. The tables are listed as separate involved objects, and the Join (button) shows how the involved tables relate to each other (in a nice graphical manner). 

  • Follow the menu path – SAP Menu > Tools > ABAP Workbench > Utilities > SAP Query > Infoset
  • There are many infosets available, which are likely to cover your needs. Hence a complete step plan for adding your own infoset is not explained here

Step 3. Assign user group to infoset – SQ01

  • Follow the menu path – SAP Menu > Tools > ABAP Workbench > Utilities > SAP Query > User groups
  • The Infoset is to be made available to a user group by linking them here. 

Step 4. Create and run Query – SQ00 / SQ01

  • Follow the menu path – SAP Menu > Tools > ABAP Workbench > Utilities > SAP Query > Queries
  • Select the user group you want to create the query for, then select the Infoset for your query. If the Infoset is not available, check out step 3. The query name and description is added. Field groups, data fields, selection criteria, the transaction will lead you through the actions that need to be performed for a query. 
  • Via transaction SQ00 the available queries can be executed.