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Today's special: Idoc soup....

Any file
...can be handed to SAP as an...
Idoc - file
...which SAP will attempt to interpret, by first checking the...
Sending partner
...and the...
Idoc type, Extension and Message type
...for which a...
Partner profile
...must be set up. The settings on the partner profile will determine whether the Idoc is...
Processed Immediately
...and which...
Process code used to transform the Idoc into actual application data (e.g. a Purchase Order).
The (inbound) process code is linked to a...
Inbound processing function module
...which will interpret the Idoc contents and set the Idoc to the right...
...such as 53 for sucessfully processed Idocs and status 51 for Idocs that could not be processed.
An Idoc a document consisting of...
The Control Record
...with the Message Type, Basic Type and (optional) Extension,
Status Records
...which hold the (always growing) history of statusses,
Data Records
...which hold the actual data in...
...which hold the actual field values,
Data records are arranged in a predefined sequence via the...
Basic Type (or Idoc Type)
...which defines segment sequence, mandatory segments and/or repeating segments
where the...
Extension the (optional) definition of additions to an existing Basic Type...