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The interface toolbox is there for outbound interfaces about personell data, e.g. to an insurer. A toolbox was set up for this under transaction PU12. The interface toolbox evolves around transaction PU12. A variety of other PU12* transactions is available, but (nearly) all this functionality is bundled in the toolbox: PU12.

From a single transaction an outbound run (producing the outbound interface file) can be done, as well as changing it's very definition. Here's the interface toolbox hype words - along with my personal interpretation of it's meaning:

  1. Interface format

    The interface format is all about the data that is needed in your interface file (or the data that is needed to extrapolate the information for your interface file). This is where all infotypes can be selected (master data) and per infotype the irrelevant fields can be removed. Also clustered information can be selected here. Even though the name suggests differently - "Interface format" is really the "Interface-dataset" which is allways presented / stored in a predefined format.

  2. File-layout

    The file layout is always about an interface format or rather: for an interface format. The information defined on the interface format is made available to the file layout - the file layout is all about the file-buildup in records (lines). The exact format of records, sequence and sizes of fields can be defined in the file-layout. Fields can be picked up from the interface format fields or user exit routines can be called to supply part of a record. Hence the file-layout is a bit more accurately named - however no actual file is created yet... (see below).

  3. TemSe object

    When an interface format is executed or exported, a TemSe object (named HR_PINTFS*) is created (or overwritten) in a pre-defined format. This TemSe object can then be fed to the file-layout conversion - which creates another TemSe object (named HR_PINTFF*). If you want to skip the TemSe object of the Interface format, you can specify the File layout when exporting the Interface Format resulting in the TemSe object of the File layout straight away (you may want to read that again). A TemSe object is effectively an object (binary large object or BLOB) which is stored on the TemSe database - where spool files reside as well. From there it can be stored as a Unix file or a download to the front-end PC can be done - again from the PU12 application.

When using the interface toolbox, a suite of programs and includes is generated for which you need to pick the names. If your naming conventions allow it - stick to the names proposed by the system. None of these includes or programs should ever be changed manually - so the coding you need to do for user exits is done in your own programs/includes.