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Debugging and activity logging can also be done using "Dynamic break points". These are break points that are added to ABAP coding ("hardcoded") which can be controlled via the Checkpoint groups tool, transaction SAAB

If you're working an area that sometimes requires special debugging attention, you will (like me) find that not all issues are easily reproduced in a test/development environment. This article will take debugging to another level - closer to using it in a production environment.

In Abap coding as delivered by standard SAP, you may find coded statements like this one:

* dynamic break point (Transaction SAAB -> MMPUR_2012)
  BREAK-POINT ID mmpur_2012.

If you check transaction SAAB (and you should) look up your break point (mmpur_2012) - you will most likely find an inactive Checkpoint Group. A checkpoint group is an SE80 element, which can be made available/visible via the SAAB transaction. A where-used list the full list of break-points (break point locations) can be displayed. The tool can be used to either log calls or trigger the debugger. It can be limited to do this only for given user(s) or only for a given server.

You can also incorporate your own break points in your own coding and arrange for the checkpoint group to be available. This functionality is not limited to standard SAP use. All in all it is great debuggen tooling, but it is used in quitte exceptional cases only. May be a good option if the debugger and the developer are not the same person.