Partnerships between object ID's are described in infotype 1001 and 1055, which can be found in tables HRP1001
and HRP1055
. This article shows how these tables can be manupilated.
Function module RH_INSERT_INFTY
can do the task, with a little care and preperation. Here's an example:
DATA: BEGIN OF lw_vdata, type(2), id(8), chara(4), exper(2), END OF lw_vdata, lt_pplog TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF pplog, lw_pplog TYPE pplog. lw_pplog-plvar = co_planvariant. lw_pplog-otype = co_qualification_bundle. lw_pplog-objid = qualification_bundle. lw_pplog-infty = '1055'. lw_pplog-istat = co_planningstatus. lw_pplog-aedtm = sy-datum. lw_pplog-uname = sy-uname. lw_pplog-begda = gw_record-effdate. lw_pplog-endda = co_end_of_times. * Compose the vdata key, as a character string: CLEAR: lw_vdata. lw_vdata-type = qmotype. lw_vdata-id = qmobjid. lw_vdata-chara = lv_chara. lw_vdata-exper = lv_exper. lw_pplog-vdata = lw_vdata. CLEAR: lt_pplog[]. APPEND lw_pplog TO lt_pplog. CALL FUNCTION 'RH_INSERT_INFTY' EXPORTING vtask = 'S' TABLES innnn = lt_pplog EXCEPTIONS OTHERS = 4.
The constants that were used here are for a relation from Bundle (QB) to the qualification (Q)
CONSTANTS: co_end_of_times TYPE hrp1000-endda VALUE '99991231', co_planvariant TYPE plvar VALUE '01', co_planningstatus TYPE istat_d VALUE '1', "Active co_qualification_bundle TYPE otype VALUE 'QB', co_qualification TYPE otype VALUE 'Q '.
Relations can just as easily be broken via RH_DELETE_INFTY
and if a new bundle or qualification needs to be created first, use HRIQ_OBJECT_CREATE
For 1001 relations the function module RH_RELATION_WRITE
can be used. In the example below the existance of the relation is first checked after which the relation is created:
* populate the fields on lw_hri1001 ... * Check whether such relation is aready available: SELECT SINGLE objid FROM hrp1001 INTO lw_hri1001-objid WHERE otype = lw_hri1001-otype AND objid = lw_hri1001-objid AND plvar = lw_hri1001-plvar AND rsign = lw_hri1001-rsign AND relat = lw_hri1001-relat AND istat = lw_hri1001-istat AND priox = lw_hri1001-priox AND begda = lw_hri1001-begda AND endda = lw_hri1001-endda AND varyf = lw_hri1001-varyf AND seqnr = lw_hri1001-seqnr. IF sy-subrc = 0. MESSAGE 'Relation already available' TYPE 'S'. ELSE. APPEND lw_hri1001 TO lt_hri1001. CALL FUNCTION 'RH_RELATION_WRITE' EXPORTING vtask = 'D' TABLES relation = lt_hri1001 EXCEPTIONS no_authority = 1 .... OTHERS = 8. ENDIF.