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What is it, where can it be found, how should it be interpreted. The workflow log shows what has happened to a flow and its steps, but also who has a given work item in his/her inbox, or who processed a work item before.


What is it - having a workflow without keeping track of what happened when is pretty pointless. This is why the system keeps track of a workflow log with the following main components:

  • A log of executed steps (with time stamps)
  • The overall status of a (the) workflow
  • an overview of workflow-relevant objects (business objects) that are present on the workflow container
  • the possiblility to display agents assigned to a given dialog work item OR the agent that executed a dialog work item
  • the contents of several containers (workflow container & task containers) which allows you to check what gets carried across the flow
  • the error message on workflows that errored

Where can it be found - on almost every report where workflows or tasks are reported (including the SAPOffice inbox), there is a link to the workflow log. If it's not there, double click on the work item and you will probably stumble into the workflow log anyway (e.g. the work item delete report).

How should it be interpreted - here's the main actions that are done via the workflow log:

  • Check status of a workflow - if something has disappeared from the user inbox, but we don't know why, getting an inbox-independant overview of the flow is useful. How far did it get ?, has it errored ?, is there an open work item out there
  • If there is a (dialog) work item in the agent's inbox: who is/are the agents ?
  • from the information held on (several) containers, is the data correct ?

Another few useful facts on the workflow log:

  • If there are no possible agents, the work item has already been executed or reserved
  • when developing a workflow, certain steps can be left out of the log, so (especially the graphical log) don't expect everything to be logged
  • The container contents can be checked from the "List with technical details", the blue icons with little arrows...
  • The very first blue icon is the workflow container, the rest is task container
  • Errors on a workflow can be found under the (red) traffic light on the "List with technical details".