Coding example which can fetch an object from a live / used container. This example demonstrates how a container works.
The container can be addressed by GETting and SETting elements or objects from it / to it. The macro's SWC_GET_ELEMENT
are available to you too !
BEGIN_METHOD ZUFETCHIDOCOBJECT CHANGING CONTAINER. *-------------------------------------------------------- data: l_idocnumber like edidc-docnum, l_result_object like OBJ_RECORD. * The Idocnumber is a required input field, without it * the method will not do anything SWC_GET_ELEMENT container 'IdocNumber' l_idocnumber. check sy-subrc = 0. "Idoc number was available * Attempting to create a IDOC object with an Idoc number * that does not exist is something that * should be avoided select single docnum from edidc into l_idocnumber where docnum = l_idocnumber. check sy-subrc = 0. "Idoc number is valid * The following macro´s will take care of creating the Idoc * (or rather business object IDOC) business object, and * place it on the container (exporting it out) SWC_CREATE_OBJECT l_result_object 'IDOC' l_idocnumber. SWC_SET_ELEMENT container 'IDOC' l_result_object. END_METHOD.