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The upgrade script is a definite MUST - if you expect your upgrade to be successful, do make sure you get one of these...

The upgrade is easily underestimated. If it's your job to make things run smoothly - set up an upgrade script and make sure everybody on it knows what to do and when to do it...So what's an upgrade script for ? It's the main document which holds a timeline of actions to be performed by everybody involved. No system-crytical steps should be left in people's heads, all should be described in the upgrade script. It's the main timetable for the execution of an upgrade - a very time-dependant theme. Here's some guidelines to what to put in the upgrade script:


  1. Brief project description, overview of contact points consisting of (the e-mail address, telephone, availablity of):
    • The upgrade team
    • The project members / owners
    • Key users that should perform sign-off or checks
  2. An overview of the test scenario's that will be used to approve the upgrade
    • Clear identification (name) of the test scenario
    • Brief description of the test scenario, which includes a preset suite of details (e.g. transactions involved)
    • Persons responsible (for the test and logging the results)
    • Also for each test scenario described in detail, an test log is maintained. Whenever issues arise, tests are executed, results are logged (not in this log), appointments are made, solutions are introduced, this application log is updated with at least the name of the logger and the date.
    • Sign-off by and actual sign-off
  3. It's quite important to stay very brief in describing the information above. The upgrade script loses it's strength when it get too big and out of proportion with the actual upgrade steps !
  4. The other main topics described on the upgrade script (all with timeline/planning information):

A brief example:

Start Duration End Responsible description
12/5 6 days 12/6 WMA Phase-out test - scripts SC03,SC04 and SC07
12/5 2 days 12/6 CKI Phase-out test - scripts SC05
Purchase order process test
15/6 - - WMA Freeze phase-out testing - sign-off checks
17/6 3 days 20/6 BASIS Backup the system - silver backup
Actual upgrade
Backup the (new) system - golden backup
SPAU list
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