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SAP is delivered error free. Well, by design there shouldn't be any errors. Data integrity is one thing they guard. And so should you ! Data integrity is all about taking care of your data. SAP makes sure their tables are filled with proper data, by checking everything before it is allowed into the tables. When e.g. a purchase order is entered for a material number that doesn't exist - the save button on the purchase order application simply won't work.

Take this concept further, using the available tools (locking, database management applications, authorization) and your system will have "proper data" - data integrity is secured.

This issue is about making sure the data for standard SAP applications remains uninfected... And also, making sure the newly build applications will have a secure data integrity. Always remember: the system you are working on is very important for the company - decisions are made and processes are controlled based on the data you are handling. Better make sure you don't disappear in one of the pitfalls of data integrity...