Copyright 2025 - BV TallVision IT

Surely you have seen what ALV can do for the reporting possibilities of your end user. ALV is a must and us developer should deliver our reports in ALV. No exceptions. Over the past few years, I've developed a wrapper class that allows easy access to the all standard ALC class. It's a wrapper class in an include - which means it needs to be implemented in your system only once. A wrapper without limitations: if the options you seek are not covered in the wrapper, the SALV object reference is available to you. 

The EASY ALV wrapper class can be made available in your coding as lcl_Easy_ALV and there is a series of articles that demonstrate how the class can be used to implement a series of options / tackle real-life issues.

With a little help of the Easy ALV wrapper class, coding looks cleaner and complexity of ALV development is reduced quite a bit. The local lcl_Easy_ALV class can of course be upgraded to an actual ZCL_EASY_ALV class, to give it even more bandwidth on your system. However I've chosen the INCLUDE option because I implement the setup over and over again with different customers. Creating an include is much more straightforward than creating a class (and yes: I know there is a great upload/download tool available for classes using XML).

Download your copy here. The coding for your own lcl_EASY_ALV class can be downloaded and made available as an include. This way with a single download it is available for the whole system (as is a global class). You can of course also copy the class definition and implementation into your own report and use it from there.


The suggested name of the include is ZABAPCADABRA_EASY_ALV, which is applied to the examples on the article series on Easy ALV.