Quick reference to the available colors in ALV, where the first number is INT (Intensified: 0 or 1), the second INV (Inverse 0 or 1) and the third number is COL (the color number, 0 to 7).
So if you want to select a color and inform a developer to use it, you can say: the INT/INV/COL number for the color I want to use it 113 (which is very very similar to 103, but hej). Refer to this page to help him/her along.
An example program with all key factors to setting colors in an ALV report:
types: begin of ty_content, matnr type makt-matnr, maktx type makt-maktx, COLORS type lvc_t_scol, end of ty_content. data: gt_data type table of ty_content, gw_data type ty_content, gw_color_field type lvc_s_scol, gw_color type lvc_s_colo, go_salv type ref to cl_salv_table, go_columns_table type ref to cl_salv_columns_table. select matnr maktx from makt up to 20 rows into table gt_data where spras = 'EN'. * Set the color of the material number to: * INT=1, INV=0, COL=6, bright red loop at gt_data into gw_data. clear: gw_color_field, gw_color. gw_color_field-fname = 'MATNR'. gw_color-int = 1. gw_color-inv = 0. gw_color-col = 6. gw_color_field-color = gw_color. append gw_color_field to gw_data-colors. modify gt_data from gw_data. endloop. create object go_salv. go_salv->set_alv_from_template( changing content = gt_data ). * A bit of logic to inform the SALV object * which column (COLORS) is * to be used for color settings: try. go_columns_table = go_salv->get_columns( ). go_columns_table->set_color_column( value = 'COLORS' ). catch cx_salv_data_error. * Field was not valid endtry. go_salv->display( ).