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With a workflow system in place, linking the Idoc processing into the workflow inbox is a logical next step. Of course something that SAP has prepared for us nicely... By simply supplying a user administrator user ID or a workflow Organizational Unit which leads to a list of agents, the Idoc processing system issues workflow work items if something goes wrong. What is something ?


Impact points: when should someone be warned ? imagine someone puts the text "Hello world" into a file, and hands it to SAP as an Idoc...

  • The system cannot determine even the partner profile it should be processed through, so a workflow work item is created for Idoc administrator(s) (set up in transaction OYEA- Global parameters for Idoc interface). If no administrator was set up, the work item is presented to all users on the system
  • If the sending Partner can be determined from the file, but the message type is not set up (on transaction WE20- Check the partner profiles), the system will not act by default. No work items are produced, unless a "Partner administrator" is assigned
  • Where both partner and message type are set up as specified in the inbound Idoc (on transaction WE20 - Check the partner profiles), but the Idoc could not be processed correctly, by default the system will not act. When an Idoc acministrator is set up (per Partner Profile per Message Type, a work item will be created)

Do note: the above work items will be created per inbound Idoc. If a complete run goes wrong, the administrator has lots of work items to go through.

So which workflows are about Idocs ?

Via transaction WE40 - "Display system process codes" a list of single step tasks is displayed, which will be issued when required.