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The interface is delivered with a wide variety of options, which could be applicable to any interface. Whether you want to CONDENSE a field or turn it into an UPPERCASED value, the options list is listed here. Of course if your option is not there, check out how to add your own:

There is quite a variety of options available and new options can be added where needed. One thing to remember about options: the idea of a solid mapping setup is that all additional logic, mapping or conversion actions are triggered through mapping. If you find a location in the coding and you add something like "if the field name is such and such, do this and that" then you know you are undermining a perfectly healthy setup. The mapping table is where the controls are and it is the only place where the controls are. You will find the report that is available from the interface selection screen is actually quite a good specification of the interface.

Options can be concatenated together with a ';'. The sequence in which options are filled in does not matter, as the interface re-shuffles the options in coding. You should never hit the field-length limit of the options field, at 80 characters there's quite a suite of options you can fill in. There's always the alternative to use short-codes such as DF for DEFAULT.


The date parameter is optional. Possible date formats: YYYYDDMM, DDMMYYYY, DD-MM-YYYY,MM-DD-YYYY,DD/MM/YYYY,YYYY, if there is a minimum or maximum date setting, the date conversion will check and adjust. Short version of DATE is DT.

DEFAULT:[default value]

This value is always set, unless there is also a TRANSLATE option in which the default value is only set if no translation match was found. Default settings are always uppercased. If you do need a default value with lower cased characters or spaces, use the PRESET:[default_value] option combined with the TRANSLATE:[source] option. Short version of DEFAULT is DF.

PRESET:[default value]

This works much like DEFAULT except the PRESET value is applied before checking translations. Generally this option is meant to be used when the DEFAULT value you need holds lower cased characters. The PRESET sets the field value to an uppercased constant for which TRANSLATE has a lowercased alternative.


The source is the code from table zhri_translations which holds value-pair for a translation. The TRANSLATE option is often used with the DEFAULT option. Whenever a value was not available in the translation table, the value is passed as-is, unless a DEFAULT was specified. Short version of TRANSLATE is TR.


For infotype fields only: restricts the subtype of the selection, e.g. infotype 0006 with subtype 5. Short version of SUBTYPE is ST.


An Abap coding block can be called from mapping settings with the ABAP:[abap-logic-block] option. This is often used with parameter settings PARAM1, PARAM2 and PARAM3. Available coding blocks are listed further down. Short version of ABAP is AB.

PARAM1:[value], PARAM2:[value], PARAM3:[value]

Parameters for the Abap block. Note that the report works with 4 parameters, the token parameter, which would be KILLCUSTOMER in ABAP:KILLCUSTOMER, and the 3 numbered parameters which can be set as options via PARAM1:23 or P1:123. Short version of PARAM1 is P1.


The interface will attempt to fetch a description for the mapped field. The source table to fetch the description from should be specified as the source: DESCRIBE:T005T;P1:LAND1. Fetch description for the specified value, where T005T is used as the text table to check. Parameters: PARAM1: The key field on the text table. The first available field is assumed as default(MANDT excepted). PARAM2: The name of the text field to pick up. The first char field with more than 14 characters length is the default. PARAM3: defaults to the logon language, but can also be specified (e.g. P3:E for English).


Short version of UPPERCASED is UC.


Short version of LOWERCASED is LC.


Remove spaces (no gaps). Short version of CONDENSED is CD.


Adds leading zero's to the field. Note that LEADZERO only works if LENGTH is also set (first). Short version of LEADZERO is LZ.


Remove the leading zero's. Short version of NOLEADZERO is NZ.


Cut a number of characters from the beginning of the value. Short version of OFFSET is OF.


Set the length of a value. Thus to cut the source value up: VAR+2(4) would be OFFSET:2 and LENGTH:4. Short version of LENGTH is LE.

NUMBERFORMAT:[number format option]

The supported number format options are: DECIMAL,COMMA,NONE,10X (remember: options can be re-applied, 100x=10x twice). Short version of NUMBERFORMAT is NF.


The value of another column is copied into this one. Short version of ASCOLUMN is AS.