When working files for interfacing, it could be a requirement to FTP something to it's final (or semi final) destination. Often a basis theme, but it can also be arranged from an Abap:
There's a set of function modules that can be used to compose an FTP session, with actual GET or PUT actions. Here's a brief run through a PUT script:
Open the FTP connection for which the usual credentials are required. Call function module FTP_CONNECT
with the username, password, host and RFC destination.
CALL FUNCTION 'FTP_CONNECT' EXPORTING user = 'Gord0n' password = 'KillCust0mer' host = 'examplefrp.com' rfc_destination = 'SAPRFC' IMPORTING handle = lv_ftp_handle "Type i EXCEPTIONS not_connected = 1 OTHERS = 2.
Compose the commands list. Once the connection is opened, a list of commands can be issued via FTP_COMMAND_LIST
. In this example we well change directory using CD and PUT our file somewhere. Note there is also a function FTP_COMMAND
if there is only a single command to be processed.
DATA: lt_commands type standard table of char200, lt_result type standard table of char255. append 'cd mysubfolder' to lt_commands. append 'put myfile.source yourfile.target' to lt_commands. CALL FUNCTION 'FTP_COMMAND_LIST' EXPORTING handle = lv_ftp_handle TABLES data = lt_result commands = lt_commands EXCEPTIONS tcpip_error = 1 command_error = 2 data_error = 3 OTHERS = 4.
Close the connection needs to be done, so make sure you include this.
Check out a full blown tutorial on using these modules here: http://wiki.scn.sap.com/wiki/display/ABAP/The+SAPFTP+Library+-+FTP+Programming+in+ABAP