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Brief summary of (common) runtime errors - in alphabetical order, with an explanation. Could help you get rid of the cause.

  • CALL_FUNCTION_NO_GUI_BUFFER - Memory problems: no buffer available for GUI communication.
  • CALL_FUNCTION_NOT_FOUND - Call a function and made a type in the function module name ? The abap editor will not catch it in a syntax check. Functions can also be called dynamically, in which case some variabele will hold the module name. You can use function module FUNCTION_EXISTS to check before doing the dynamic call. 
  • CALL_FUNCTION_PARM_MISSING - You've attemted to call a function that has mandatory parameters, and you've missed one. The abap editor syntax checker does not check this (which is a petty). Are all parameters available ? Check for a typo in the names, that totally confuses the system.
  • CONNE_IMPORT_WRONG_COMP_TYPE - The system attempted to import data with IMPORT FROM MEMORY or IMPORT FROM DATABASE(INDX), where it checks the types of the variables that were stored. Has data been put aside with an EXPORT TO DATABASE in type N, and is it now retrieved into a variabele with type C ? There is a type mismatch.. 
  • CONV_EXIT_FIELD_TOO_SHORT A conversion module is used, like the (C-routine) CONVERSION_EXIT_ALPHA_INPUT which has importing and exporting parameter fields. The result of the conversion does not fit in the exporting parameter.
  • DBIF_DSQL2_DEFAULT_CR_ERROR (with exception CX_SY_NATIVE_SQL_ERROR) a commit work could not be finished. Work has been rolled back, potentially without warning (if a dump occurs in the foreground your user is confronted with it, but background updates go unseen).
  • DBIF_RSQL_INVALID_RSQL - with the point of impact in a SELECT block. Please check the select options or ranges variables involved in the selection. One of these may be too big. These variables have a maximum size (which is about 30k).
  • DYNP_TOO_MANY_RADIOBUTTONS_ON - A radio button lives in a group, and only one of these buttons (within a group) can be defaulted to 'X'. 
  • DYNPRO_FIELD_CONVERSION - The field specified in a Dynpro (screen) has received content (end user action) that can not be converted into a valid value. E.g. a minus sign on a field that doesn't allow negative values.
  • DYNPRO_MSG_IN_HELP - a message is thrown from (typically) a badi implementation, where the processing mode no longer supports addressing the end user. E.g. an error message that normally shows up in an end user screen (stopping further processing on the screen) is also called when the whole document is deleted from header level. In the first case a screen is presented and the error message is part of a screen processing (PBO/PAI) setup, in the second case the error message is called from a background process - and causes a different response (e.g. this dump). Try to change the message to S (W and E messages will cause the same effects). 
  • DYNPRO_SEND_IN_BACKGROUND - a Dynpro is called during a background process, for which the system can't find a suitable receiver. So the system is asked to display a screen to an end user, which is not available in a background process. Put a popup in an Idoc process ?
  • EXTRACT_FWRITE_FAILED - An error on SAP QuickViewer (SQVI) - where an extract file (temporary file) could not be written. No space left on device ?
  • GETWA_NOT_ASSIGNED - The program is attempting to assign or retrieve a value from a work area which was not assigned. Typically a field-symbol which was not assigned.
  • ITAB_ILLEGAL_SORT_ORDER_BLK - an append of data to a sorted table failed because the new information is not in the sequence defined in the table's sort key. Use statement 
    INSERT LINES OF SrcTab ... INTO TABLE DstTab ...
    to solve this. 
  • LOAD_NO_ROLL - resource bottleneck - kernel level. Auch.
  • LOAD_PROGRAM_LOST Most common on development systems: the user starts a report which has it's source code altered by a developer. In fact: this is not an uncommon error for developers that use a session to run their report and another session to apply changes (we've all done that, great method of working). Avoid this problem by simply restarting the application from /n.
  • LOAD_PROGRAM_NOT_FOUND A SUBMIT was attempted for a program that is not available. Thus: the specified program was not found. The submit statement can cough up a few other runtime errors too - though not very common: SUBMIT_WRONG_SIGN - You tried to pass an invalid value to a selection using the addition SIGN and SUBMIT_WRONG_TYPE - The specified program is not a report (a module pool ?). SUBMIT_IMPORT_ONLY_PARAMETER You tried to pass more than one value to a report parameter, and there's also SUBMIT_IN_ITAB_ILL_STRUCTURE and SUBMIT_PARAM_NOT_CONVERTIBLE - look 'm up in the documentation of SUBMIT
  • MESSAGE_TYPE_UNKNOWN - The MESSAGE statement was used, with a message TYPE that does not exist. Is is not supplied ?
  • MESSAGE_TYPE_X- A message of type X was thrown, like so:
      WHEN 1 OR 2.
      WHEN 3.
        MESSAGE X002(CNDP).
      WHEN 4.
        MESSAGE x001(CNDP).
    This indicates that something happened that should never occur. This is also called "Dump by design". Best check what the actual message was (eg via transaction SE91 message class CNDP and number).
  • OBJECTS_OBJREF_NOT_ASSIGNED - A class reference variable which was not instantiated is being used, thus access to it's attributes or execution of an instance method is not possible (until the object is created). 
  • PERFORM_CONFLICT_TAB_TYPE - A discrepancy in data formats. The data (column definition) of 2 tables should match - but don't.
  • RAISE_EXCEPTION - A function module is called and it raised an exception. The exception is not "received", so the caller of the function module does not have an EXCEPTIONS section or the exception that is thrown is not in the callers EXCEPTIONS section (thus: OTHERS is not defined). 
  • RFC_NO_AUTHORITY - An RFC call is attempted to one of SAP function modules (e.g. EDI_DATA_INCOMING), for which the calling user is not autorized. 
  • RUNT_ILLEGAL_SWITCH - this is an internal system error. It's not very clear at all what this is about and you are not likely to reproduce or solve this one... 
  • SAPSQL_IN_ITAB_ILLEGAL_OPTION - A ranges variabele contains invalid settings, thus the select option settings (Sign = I (Include), option = 'EQ' (values equal to) and low = 'THIS') is faulty. Have you filled in proper valuer for Sign and Option ? 
  • SNAP_NO_NEW_ENTRY - The actual dump is not stored properly, (SNAP is a table holding dumps). When the system first produces this message, you should check the dump on ST22, as it could be available there nonetheless.
  • SPOOL_INTERNAL_ERROR - Internal error in the SPOOL system, spool overflow. 
  • SYSTEM_CORE_DUMPED That's it ! This is not a work process in trouble, this is the whole system in trouble. Sap system kernel dump. See note 2162346.
  • SYNTAX_ERROR The report doesn't compile - could be thrown by a SUBMIT or any other way a report is started (SA38).
  • TABLE_ILLEGAL_STATEMENT - Update to an internal table is not possible, an index is out of range or a MODIFY without index is done outside a LOOP AT. Look for internal table update actions which can't be done. 
  • TYPELOAD_NEW_VERSION A runtime error that is not uncommon on development systems: someone is using a report that uses a data type, like a table. A developer (or the import of a transport) is altering the data type (the table). The system can no longer work with the table, as it's definition has altered. The LOAD_PROGRAM_LOST dump is very similar - caused by report source code changes.
  • TIME_OUT This is one of the most common runtime errors which can occur on any report or foreground process that consumes too much time. The maximum time that is allowed for a foreground process to run (without interaction) is exceeded. In effect: the report ran too slow. The actual timeout is set as a system parameter rdisp/max_wprun_time (check report RSPARAM for actual values).
  • TSV_TNEW_OCCURS_NO_ROLL_MEMORY - Memory problems - resource bottleneck.
  • TSV_TNEW_PAGE_ALLOC_FAILED - There is no storage space available to extend an internal table, so the report is consuming too much resources by handling a too big internal table. Just for reference, an example internal table with 8204 record size had 16.654 records. That's over 136Mb of data. With large tables, the system will move from memory usage to "swap pages" which is effectively memory stored to database. But even that has it's limits !
  • ZDATE_ILLEGAL_LOCTIME - f you use NTP you will likely get short dumps due to the time being changed on the system. At present SAP systems cannot handle timechanges while the system is online due to the timestamps being changed on locks. Note: 447839,.
  • ZDATE_LARGE_TIME_DIFF - a time difference is found within a work process or when it happens between an Application server and Database server. When this happens, the only way to resolve the issue, is to restart the system.Go through the notes: 102088, 697353 and 101726 which addresses the issue. Run RSDBTIME according to the note and check the result.