Users reside in a timezone, which is ultimately responsible for the date/time in your logs. But what if you want to match logs that use system times ? A simple calculation with the available system variables should do just fine..
In my example I've looked up information from a SPOOL list, that was created by my own report. The creation time on the SPOOL list was an hour off, because the system date/time was used for the spool where all other date/time information available was in the user timezone.
Here's how you calculate what system time is to be used for your user time:
data: lv_tzone_as_time type t, lv_system_time type t. get TIME. "To refresh/renew the time setting move SY-TZONE to lv_tzone_as_time. "E.g. 3600 seconds becomes 010000 (1 hour) lv_system_time = sy-uzeit - lv_tzone_as_time.
In this example, the SY-UZEIT
field will hold the user time and the LV_SYSTEM_TIME
field will hold the system (server) time.