There are several ways to determine if a system is a test or productive system. I found that the following code is the most robust way.
Table T000
is the clients table, which holds a field CCCATEGORY
- "Client control: Role of client (production, test,...)". If the value for your client (MANDT
) is set to P
, the system is assumed to be a Production system. Test systems should never have this setting as P
data: lv_cccategory type t000-cccategory, gv_production_system type Boolean. * Get system category select single cccategory from t000 into lv_cccategory where mandt = sy-mandt. if sy-subrc = 0 and lv_cccategory = 'P'. gv_production_system = 'X'. else. clear gv_production_system. endif. if gv_production_system = space. write 'This is a NON-productive system'. else. write 'This is a PRODUCTION system'. endif.
This can also be applied in a more object-oriented manner, as a local class (which can also be made available as a global class or a method on a utility class).
class lcl_system definition. PUBLIC SECTION. class-methods: is_production_system returning value(is_production) type boolean. endclass. class lcl_system implementation. method is_production_system. data: lv_cccategory type t000-cccategory. * Get system category select single cccategory from t000 into lv_cccategory where mandt = sy-mandt. if sy-subrc = 0 and lv_cccategory = 'P'. is_production = abap_true. else. clear is_production. endif. endmethod. endclass.
The class and method can then be used/called like this:
if lcl_system=>is_production_system( ) = abap_false. write 'This is a NON-productive system'. else. write 'This is a PRODUCTION system'. endif.