Copyright 2025 - BV TallVision IT

The Abap editor is packed with options and tooling and integration with other tools. Here's a list I've come across so far - you may find things you've not seen before...

  • Double click on
    • Technical objects - will take you to the definition of the objects, like a table.
    • Variables - to show the definition, or when double clicked on in the definition, it will show a where-used list
    • Routine names, function modules, include names, methods - move editor focus
    • Statements like LOOP to go to ENDLOOP, IF to go to ENDIF, ELSE to go to IF, DO n TIMES.., WHILE.., CASE... etc etc. All work vice-versa as well of course!
    • Double click on an object that's not available yet ? The system will help you create it (variables, message with the MESSAGE statement, etc etc.
  • Auto-completion of statements. Ever noticed the editor shows suggestions to what you are typing ? Finalize the choice by pressing TAB. This setting can also be altered to "agree_by_return", however you will need to change the XML with settings on your PC installation for that.
  • Try this one: put your cursor on a table name and press CTRL-SPACE. The fields of the table will be listed. When you are typeing a table name followed by a -, the editor will conclude you are trying to find a field from the table you've just typed. Get the editor to list the fields for you !
  • The editor has many options and settings under Utilities - Settings. A lot of these settings are held on an XML file which can also be maintained directly. On my system it's here: C:\Users\MYUSERNAME\AppData\Roaming\SAP\SAP GUI\ABAP Editor\settings.xml
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