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This is not very common, but in some cases table structures can hold a repetition of values in a single row. Thus a record from the transparent table holds columns with similar information. An example would be from HR: table PA0008 also known as Infotype 8. This table has fields called LGA01, LGA02, LGA03 ... LGA40 The VARYING option on the DO .. ENDDO statement can be a great help here.

This is how it works: a DO .. ENDDO loop is defined based on the information of the (record)structure of data, in this example PA0008. To do this, the following bits of information need to be supplied to the statement:

  • The number of repetitions (in the exampe: 40)
  • The starting point of the repetition (in the example: FROM lw_pa0008-lga01)
  • The distance between the first field and it's follower (in the example: NEXT lw_pa0008-lga02)
  • The variable to store the result in (in the example: VARYING lw_wages-lgart)
  • And this whole setup can be repeated for other fields - if needed (in the example: VARYING lw_wages-betrg ...)

So a working example:

TYPES: BEGIN OF ty_wages,
      lgart TYPE pa0008-lga01,
      betrg TYPE pa0008-bet01,
   END OF ty_wages.

DATA: lw_wages TYPE ty_wages,
      lw_pa0008 TYPE pa0008.

SELECT * FROM pa0008 INTO lw_pa0008
  UP TO 312 ROWS. "<= fill in a random number to get test data

write: / lw_pa0008-pernr.
DO 40 TIMES VARYING lw_wages-lgart FROM lw_pa0008-lga01 NEXT lw_pa0008-lga02
            VARYING lw_wages-betrg FROM lw_pa0008-bet01 NEXT lw_pa0008-bet02.

  write: / lw_wages-lgart, lw_wages-betrg.